About Mr. Commando | Commando Athletix

I am Mr. Commando.
Bachelors of Exercise Physiology,
Valdosta State University Certified ACSM Exercise Physiologist

I am a son, brother, dog dad, uncle, friend, coach, trainer, headache and a lover to some few, all and one. I enjoy short walks to the kitchen, long talks about what makes life living, strong drinks served with salt on the rim, warm weather, shirtless workouts and big mountains of chicken wings that I share with my lil Shawty.I’ve been in Atlanta for the last 4 1/2 half years building the life I wrote about while being in school at both my home town of Dublin, GA and my alma mater Valdosta State. Small time living and a big life thinker I wanted more and worked for it. A few Pyramid schemes later (shoutout to 5 Linx, wake up now, Herbalife ) and I thought my way to dreaming even bigger. Big enough? Maybe not but I’m still growing.I wrote about how I would own my own gym helping athletes get to the next level. I beloved many athletes or people in general would have went farther with their talents and skills if if we had more resources around us, more people who pushed us to be better than we were. More of a unit that was focused on helping us get to that next level of life. From there a saw a void that needed to be filled and who better to solve it than the one who wanted and felt like I needed the help. Whether it be true or not, the problem was real and it still is.People still need something extra to help get to that next level of life, athletes still need it. So out of this idea, plus some pushing, trying, failing and succeeding. Commando Athletix was born. A company built to help Athletes succeed and enjoy Fitness and Health as a part of their lives and not just a 6 week stint or a rush to get lean for a trip.I consider the community I train on a day to day basis Athletes. Commando Athletes, and these athletes don’t have to compete at a sport because life, life can bring some of the same challenges competitors face. (I still do want to train a stout group of competitive players and it WILL happen, I need some folks I can yell with and they not think I’m crazy lol)Things like adversity, following through and showing up, being disciplined and doing what you say you’re going to do, working and dealing with yourself, accomplishing goal, winning and appreciating the process are apart of any successful team and anybody who does life well.The parallels are there and so here we are and here I am. Helping my team get Leaner, Stronger and More Confident. Helping them Command their goals, get out of their own way and see themselves in a brighter light. It’s both refreshing and inspiring when you see how much better you’ve gotten, how much farther have come, and how much better you can and will do.For me, it’s not all about physical results. I do believe you need to be a healthy good looking confident mf, YES. Body changes is what gets most of us to the gym in the first place. After a while it gets deeper than that, we find joy, therapy, community and even fun in fitness.We develop our own styles, craft our way to get it done, we join communities, meet née friends and have lifelong gym partners and workout buddies. We network and make money together, we talk and solve problems together, we support, show love and show out.Now at 27, I find myself wanting more people around me who want to get stronger, look & feel better. Who want to do life better than well. Who want to be apart of a community that’s supportive, engaging, and head turning. A network of young and old professionals who shares opportunities and make their own as well.There will be parties(I’ll always love to party), workouts, eat outs, hang outs to come. It all starts with one, will that be you?